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Feeling Called?

Adult Ministries

Care for Others

  • Caring Blanket Ministry

    This group periodically gets together to make cozy tie blankets
    for those who are ill or needing extra care.

    Contact: Carol Bisker, carol.bisker@comast.net

  • Prayer Group

    A weekly group that meets on Wednesdays at 10am
    to pray for the concerns of the congregation and beyond
    via Sunday requests and prayer chain
    (volunteers who agree to pray throughout the week via email requests).

    Contact: Heather Harman, heather@asburyweb.org


  • God's Kitchen

    Teams work as scheduled to provide a Saturday lunch at Grace Church through our Salisbury Urban Ministries cooperative efforts.

    Contact: Bob Love, bob@asburyweb.org

  • HHEH

    Hands and Hearts Ending Homelessness, formerly CESP, is a local shelter providing hospitality and shelter to unhoused men in the Salisbury area.

    This ministry is in need of a coordinator.
    Please contact Pastor Kristen if interested.

  • Joseph House

    Teams work as scheduled to provide a Tuesday lunch at the Joseph House once a month.

    Contact: Charles Emery, charlescemeryms@gmail.com

  • Pine Bluff Ministry

    On the first Sunday of the month, an Asbury volunteer goes to Pine Bluff retirement village and facilitates a worship service, bringing the message, and fellowshipping after to help build residents up in their faith. Training can be provided.

    This ministry is in need of a coordinator as well as volunteers.
    Please contact Pastor Kristen if interested.

  • Salisbury Urban Ministries (SUM)

    also SUM, a cooperative group of churches in the Salisbury area that work together in ministry on God’s Kitchen, the Lazarus Fund & Food Pantry, Kid’s Cafe, and the IYF youth services. SUM sends Asbury regular updates about what they need to best serve the Salisbury area. These are printed in our regular publications.

    Contact: Maggie Fulkrod, mfulkrod1@verizon.net

    Check out the SUM website and Facebook page!

  • Asburian & Office Volunteers

    Asburian Volunteers help to prepare the monthly newsletter for mailing.

    Office Volunteers assist in answering phones, the door, or help the staff in other ways as needed.

    Contact: Melissa Nichols, melissa@asburyweb.org

Grow Spiritually

  • Adult Sunday School

    We have three different classes held Sundays at 10am.

    Freestyle Class: Located in the Library, this class is currently discussing a Bible study based on the popular series “The Chosen.” All are welcome.
    Contact: Kristen Wall-Love, kristen@asburyweb.org

    Bible 101: Located in the Fox Room, this class includes people from varied walks of life, ages mid-20s to mid-80s. Some are still involved in their chosen careers, and some retired. Our name says it all - we work through the scriptures, dealing with a certain book of the Bible or biblical theme. All are welcome to attend.
    Contact: Carlton Bradshaw, 6bradshaws@comcast.net

    Open Hearts, Open Minds: located in the Mackey Room, this class examines a diversity of subjects. Lessons will help members apply the Biblical call for social justice to urgent issues in society. Many lessons will be introduced by short videos or an introduction of some kind and require no advance reading, only an interest in the world around us and an openness to discussion. All are welcome to attend.
    Contact: Frankie Shipper, fcshipper@gmail.com

  • United Women in Faith (UWIF)

    An organization of women whose purpose is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ, to develop a creative, supportive fellowship, and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the Global Ministries of the church. We have several UWIF Circles for a smaller group experience.

    Contact: Star Weaver, starlinweaver@gmail.com

  • Walk to Emmaus

    Take a spiritual journey on this retreat organized for men or for women that is sponsored by those who have already attended. This is truly an experience of God’s grace.

    Contact: Shelly Marshall, shellymarshall413@gmail.com

    Learn more at Chesapeake Emmaus’ website.

  • Women's Retreat

    This annual gathering is nourishment for a woman’s spirit, mind, and body with spiritual formation, great food, beautiful setting, fellowship, and fun. Typically this event happens Memorial Day weekend at Pecometh’s Riverview Retreat Center in Centreville, MD. All women are welcome.

    Contact: Kristen Wall-Love, kristen@asburyweb.org

    Find forms for 2025 in the Welcome Centers today!
    RSVP by May 10th!

Support the Community

  • Faith-Based Initiative

    Asbury is currently partnered with James M. Bennett High School as a way to show our support for students and school staff with God’s love.

    Contacts: Ashlee Plotts, 443 243 1613
    Brooke Madruga, 609 334 1163

  • Opportunity Shop (Opp Shop)

    A ministry that recycles clothing and household products through our downtown thrift store (158 W. Market St.) The funds raised through the shop benefit local ministries in or community as well as the building maintenance of the church.

    Contact: Christine Ryan, 2269jmm@gmail.com

    Find more info on the Opp Shop’s Facebook Page!

    We are looking for volunteers for sales on Thursdays 10-1.

  • Church & Society

    The purpose of the Church and Society Ministry is to put faith into action through advocacy using the Social Principles of the United Methodist Church. We currently sell fair-trade coffee and chocolate at the Tuesday Farmer’s Market held in Asbury’s South parking lot, are maintaining a pollinator garden, and provide several “lunch and learns” with speakers on social issues.

    Contact: Ruth Campbell, ruthpinkney17@gmail.com

    Learn more about the Church and Society of the United Methodist Church here.

  • Salvation Army Stockings

    This mission ministry gives us an opportunity to fill an empty stocking with gifts for needy children in our area. The stockings are provided with suggestions for gift ideas for specific age ranges for boys and girls. In 2024, stockings for the elderly was added.

    Contact: Janet Smith, jsmith10866@gmail.com

  • Wicomico Goes Purple

    A substance misuse awareness program that will engage our community to stand up against substance misuse. The purpose of this project is to promote conversations about substance misuse, which includes prescription drugs. Asbury is an encourager and partner with this initiative.

    Contact: George Whitehead, giwhitehead@salisbury.edu

    Learn more here.

Make a Joyful Noise

  • Chancel Choir

    This adult group sings at the 11am Festive Worship Service and presents major choral works. The repertoire is diverse and there is no audition required.

    Director/Contact: Gunner Chancey, gunner@asburyweb.org

    Please see our Music Ministries page for more info.

  • Praise Band

    This group leads music at the 8:45am CAYR service. The repertoire is made up of Christian music you’d hear on the radio. The band currently includes vocalists, guitarists, drums.

    Contact: Rev. Dr. Josh James, joshuatjames@gmail.com

    Please see our Music Ministries page for more info.

  • Woodwinds

    This ensemble performs at our worship services, special events, and concerts as scheduled.

    Temporary Contact: Rachel Hesselink, racheljh55@gmail.com

    Please see our Music Ministries page for more info.

Help with Worship

  • Greeters

    Volunteers who possess a smile and a gift for hospitality. These men and women welcome folks at the doors for worship and other events, giving any information or care that is needed.

    CAYR Contact: Doris Webster, dorisw1@hotmail.com
    Festive Contact: Dayle Rounds, dayle_rounds@comcast.net

  • Altar Guild

    These folks are responsible for preparing the Sanctuary for worship each Sunday, as directed by the pastor. The members of the altar guild take care of vestments for the pastor, acolytes, and crucifers, and also maintain the candles and paraments. They fill the Sanctuary with fresh lilies for Easter and poinsettias and decor for Christmas. Each month they prepare the Communion elements. Maintaining our beautiful Sanctuary creates a sacred environment of trust, peace, and love, all for the greater glory of God.

    Contact: Jean Laws, jeanlaws@comcast.net

    This ministry is in need of volunteers!

  • Dramas

    We periodically have dramas to incorporate into our worship services - and sometimes we produce stand-alone productions.

    Contact: Mark Tyler, matyler@hotmail.com

  • Lay Readers

    All worship services employ lay readers who read the scriptures for that particular Sunday.

    Contact for EMA and Festive: Melissa Nichols, melissa@asburyweb.org
    Contact for CAYR: Doris Webster, dorisw1@hotmail.com

  • Sound Techs

    These servants are integral to the sound quality of our worship experience - not only in person but online. There is separate equipment for the Fellowship Hall/Garden and the Sanctuary.
    Please note that being trained on one set of equipment does not equate to training on the other.

    Contact for CAYR: Jonny Menges
    Contact for EMA/Festive: Rick Holloway, rick@hollowayfh.com

  • Slides (in CAYR)

    The CAYR service uses a projector to roll slides during the service which include the order of worship, scriptures, song lyrics, prayers, etc. Volunteers run these slides from a provided laptop each Sunday. Please note that slides need not be created or edited by those running the slides.

    Contact: TBD

  • Livestream

    Asbury UMC offers two of our three Sunday services - and most special services - to be watched via livestream.
    Volunteers run the camera for said livestream and ensure it is running and sounding smoothly for those tuning in from home. Training can be provided for those interested in running the livestream.

    CAYR Contact: TBD
    Festive Contact: TBD

  • Ushers

    These faithful servants (men and women) are present for the EMA and Festive worship services. They warmly greet worshippers, hand out bulletins and other information, direct parishioners, and help in any way necessary.

    EMA Contact: Rick Bisker, rbisker@comcast.net
    Festive Contact: Steve Donovan, steved07@comcast.net

Serve on a Church Committee

  • Finance Committee

    Sitting Chair: Steve Fulkrod

  • Leadership Committee

    Sitting Chair: Shelly Marshall

  • Staff Parish Relations Committee (SPRC)

    The Staff Parish Relations Committee (SPRC) is one of the administrative committees of the church. It functions as the link, or connection, between the pastor and staff of the church, the congregation, and the district superintendent.

    This is accomplished by facilitating the “building of relationships through communication and caring for the staff and congregation” (Pastor-Parish Relations, p.7). It is also the committee in charge of hiring new staff when necessary. The committee consists of at least five and not more than nine members who are proposed by the committee on nominations. Members must be professing or associate members of the church and generally serve a term of three years. This committee must be the most diverse committee of the church, representing various constituencies in the church.

    Sitting Chair: Holly Hearne

  • Trustees Committee

    Sitting Chair: Pawel Szczerko