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Sunday Morning Bible Study
We have three different adult Bible Study classes that are held every Sunday at 10:00 AM, the same time as our Children and Youth Sunday School programs! This is a time for adults of all backgrounds to come together and reflect on the Word.
Freestyle Class: meets in the library, beginning Jan. 14, 2024. We will be discussing season 1 of “The Chosen” series. All are welcome—drop in any Sunday!
Bible 101 - The Bible 101 Sunday School Class will be studying the Psalms at 10:00 AM in the Fox Room.
Open Hearts, Open Minds - The Open Hearts, Open Minds adult Sunday School Class meets in the Mackey Room and is a discussion based class.
Wesley Foundation Young Adult Ministry
The Wesley Foundation is a Campus and Young Adult Ministry for the church curious, church questioning and church loving young adult. It can be hard to find your place in the church when you are in your early 20’s so we are here to offer that space.
Our particular chapter aspires to be anti-racist and LGBTQ+ affirming.
The Wesley Foundation is typically a group for college students but this Wesley Foundation is open to all young adults in the Salisbury area, regardless of enrollment status.
We meet weekly on Sundays at 12:15 in the Youth Room near Fellowship Hall for Bible Study during the Salisbury University academic year and hold monthly social gatherings on the third Wednesday.
Talk to Brooke at brooke@asburyweb.org to get connected and check out our socials