Church & Society presents January’s Lunch & Learn!
Our first Lunch & Learn of the New Year will be held on Sunday, January 19, in the Mackey Room following the 11 am service.
Rev. Carmella Evans, pastor of St. John’s United Methodist Church in Fruitland, became the new Chaplain and executive director of the Wesley Foundation at Salisbury University this school year (succeeding Brooke Christensen).
Pastor Carm will talk about how Asbury and other area churches, including St. John’s UMC and Bethesda UMC, can work together to support the Wesley Foundation, and how we can better understand the needs, issues, and opportunities that exist on the SU campus.
As always, a light lunch will be provided beginning at 12:15 pm (free to all, voluntary donations only). A speaker presentation will be followed by a Q&A session. Programs end by 1:45 pm. Everyone who would like to extend our time of fellowship and learn something new about our surrounding community is welcome!
RSVP’s are not required, but do help us estimate lunch needs. You can email Sheri Burchard at